Murder With Ganache: A Key West Food Critic Mystery Mass Market Author: Visit Amazon's Lucy Burdette Page | Language: English | ISBN:
045146589X | Format: PDF
Murder With Ganache: A Key West Food Critic Mystery Mass Market Description
Praise for the Key West Food Critic Mystery Series:
“What fun! Lucy Burdette writes evocatively about Key West and food—a winning combination. I can’t wait for the next entry in this charming series.”—New York Times bestselling author Diane Mott Davidson
“Food, fun, and felonies. What more could a reader ask for?”—New York Times bestselling author Lorna Barrett
“For a true taste of paradise, don’t miss An Appetite for Murder. Lucy Burdette’s first Key West Food Critic mystery combines a lush, tropical setting, a mysterious murder, and plenty of quirky characters. The victim may not be coming back for seconds, but readers certainly will!”—Julie Hyzy, New York Times bestselling author of the White House Chef mysteries and Manor House mysteries
“You’ll eat it up.”—Richmond Times-Dispatch
About the Author
Clinical psychologist Roberta Isleib, aka Lucy Burdette, has had ten previous mysteries published. Her books and stories have been short-listed for Agatha, Anthony, and Macavity awards. Other titles in the Key West Food Critic Mystery series include Topped Chef, Death in Four Courses, and An Appetite for Murder.
- Series: Key West Food Critic (Book 4)
- Mass Market Paperback: 320 pages
- Publisher: Signet (February 4, 2014)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 045146589X
- ISBN-13: 978-0451465894
- Product Dimensions: 6.9 x 4.2 x 0.9 inches
- Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
“Chad was a loser,” Haley’s mom self-righteously spewed out over drinks. Good to know as they say, but Haley already knew that. She’d come down to Key West with him and now he was history. There weren’t going to be any wedding bells with the guy with the “shifty eyes and the clammy handshake,” but they were going to be ringing for Connie and Ray. Connie was Haley’s best friend and she’d couldn’t be happier if it was happening to herself. The whole blended family was showing up for the big event. Haley’s family couldn’t be any more blended had they all been thrown into a Vitamix.
Haley’s mother was now with Sam Cooper and her father, Jim Snow, had been married to Allison for some time. Haley had always been fond of Allison’s son, Rory. Her stepbrother had long passed the cute, cuddly stage and now was a fifteen-year-old whose idea of fun was not being with the Vitamix crowd on vacation. Haley was glad to see them all when they arrived, but she had piles of work to accomplish before the wedding. A couple of hundred cupcakes had to be baked for Connie’s wedding and cooking up a food review for the “Key Zest” wasn’t too much to ask for. Haley was practically “emotionally fried” even before a single cupcake was frosted.
Jai Somers, director of Project Lighthouse, had a missing teen on her hands. Haley and Jai had become great friends and in addition to everything else she had to be on the lookout for Mariah. Rory was already MIA so adding yet another teen to scout out was nothing. Ugh! Haley asked Lieutenant Torrence for some assistance, but ultimately it ended up being a family affair as they looked for the kids. “Oh please God, let him be alive,” Allison quietly exclaimed as they spotted Rory’s seemingly lifeless body on a rusty old sailboat. He was ...
Murder With Ganache: A Key West Food Critic Mystery Mass Market Preview
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