Ultimate Flexibility: A Complete Guide to Stretching for Martial Arts Author: Sang H. Kim | Language: English | ISBN:
B001GCUM72 | Format: EPUB
Ultimate Flexibility: A Complete Guide to Stretching for Martial Arts Description
Ultimate Flexibility is the book you've been waiting for. More than a collection of exercises or an explanation of technique, Ultimate Flexibility is a complete guide to stretching for martial arts, from the very basics of why you should stretch to detailed workout guidelines for every style and level of martial arts practice. Written by acclaimed author and martial artist Sang H Kim, Ultimate Flexibility is your guide to achieving maximum flexibility in your training. Begin with an in depth look at the hows and whys of flexibility and stretching. Learn about the many types of stretching, which methods are best for beginners, when to graduate to advanced techniques and why you should completely avoid certain types of exercises. You'll also find information that you wont find in any other martial art book, including a detailed exploration of how your body works for or against you in your training and how flexibility can make you stronger and faster. Building on this foundation, Sang H Kim teaches you nearly 200 flexibility exercises that he has personally used to achieve the highest levels of flexibility. You'll get detailed instructions, workout planning guides, goal setting tips, difficulty levels, injury prevention and recovery, and over 400 color photos to guide you. Special bonus sections: 10 Tips for Full Splits, 20 Tips for High Kicks and 10 workouts for specific martial art types.
- File Size: 2263 KB
- Print Length: 304 pages
- Publisher: Turtle Press (January 10, 2004)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B001GCUM72
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #34,254 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
- #10
in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Exercise & Fitness > Stretching - #15
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Sports > Individual Sports > Martial Arts - #42
in Books > Sports & Outdoors > Individual Sports > Martial Arts
- #10
in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Exercise & Fitness > Stretching - #15
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Sports > Individual Sports > Martial Arts - #42
in Books > Sports & Outdoors > Individual Sports > Martial Arts
When an experienced instructor teaches, he does it so simply that students understand the lessons without much difficulty. When I first opened Ultimate Flexibility for Martial Arts, I was firstly impressed not only by the variety of exercises and beautifully designed format but also by the author's efforts to show the big picture of the important elements necessary to attain flexibility without missing out on the details. I have been training various martial arts for over 34 years including 8 years in Okinawa, 4 years in South Korea, 3 years in Thailand. Wherever I was stationed overseas, I put my best efforts forth to gain firsthand knowledge from local masters. What I found is that a good teacher knows how to teach a complicated movement in a very simple way. With this book by Sang H. Kim, I feel like I am training with my masters again. He definitely put all his wisdom and experience into it.
Sang H. Kim is without doubt among the best writers about martial arts. (I thoroughly enjoyed learning from his Ultimate Fitness Through Martial Arts.) This book should be required reading for every martial artist who competes or wants to improve his or her performance regardless of style. Master Kim provides straightforward cautions and valuable tips to improve your flexibility and to prevent unnecessary injuries.
In Chapter Seven, he includes sample workouts for light contact and full contact, grappling and mixed martial art, boxing, weapon and high kicks. I personally liked his top 10 techniques. After turning 50, I realize how important it is to learn valuable wisdom from a true master. I have been adding a few new skills to my repertoire each week and use them whenever I can. I am getting quicker and safer in my Karate classes, and every class is more enjoyable.
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